Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's Sunday & I've been stitching

Yes, more stitching to Ruth's 'rules', this time to add either an abstract or real object in another colour -well, again I've added three, and merged the concept of real and abstract to give me fluffy edged triangle petalled flowers.

My flowers have some wacky stems and leaves to brighten up the (now quilted) green sort of field background. I used a double needle to quit either side of the ditch, so much neater than in the ditch and it continued the dark and light green colour way. 

Not sure what's coming for the last two weeks of April's stitch along but I hoping for something to fill the rest of my block ... I have some stary felt ready and some yarn that could be couched but i'l have to be patient and wait and see next week. 

And just in case you're wondering, I'm keeping up with the poem a day though some are a bit rough around the edges!! Still, the project is building a bunch of first drafts for me to work on.  

Finally, the sun is out, the storm has passed and next week promises more sunshine  .... 

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