Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Walking is one foot in front of the other, isn’t it?

And it’s easy, isn’t it.

 Well, yesterday walking section 4 of the London Loop was easy, more than that it was a pleasure. Under blue sky, through deciduous woods, along leafy and green paths with lots to look up at, each step came naturally.

But, it’s not always easy as I found on Monday during my first game of walking netball, see

Am I running? Can I walk backwards any faster than this? Can I walk over that line when I’m in this position?

The coach and experienced members of the team were very understanding about my need to learn the rules, the opposition were a tad competitive (ouch) and thank goodness, my one chance to get the ball in the net was successful. Not so my passing of the ball which led me to questions like can I walk fast and keep an eye on where my teammates are walking to, on where someone is about to throw the ball from, on someone who is asking for the ball?  More next week ... it could, might, who knows, become a habit!

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