I've played with stitching my pasted and painted muslin ... not happy about the stitch holes. Perhaps there be some help with looking at work by professional textile artists so I'm off to a local Gallery soon to learn more.
So good to have daily autumn sunshine and unusually warm days as it starts to darken later and earlier each day. For me this means difficult to decisions about what clothes to wear. I noticed a whinge in my voice talking about these dilemmas -socks or no socks, how many layers- and then realised my good fortune that such things bother me.
I've been seeing a friend on chemotherapy for myeloma quite a lot these past few days. We spent time yesterday repacking her case for the next hospital visit -pyjamas and comfy clothes to wear waiting for the drugs to drip slowly into her body. We chatted about winter coats even though she's not able to go out and about. Not yet, I said, soon though, we'll go for a walk to the new cafe in the park.
I passed this wall on my way home on Sunday as I have many times before ... and was stopped by the light on the bricks.
On local walks there are quite a few benches, all sorts of hopes and sizes - places to stop, to pay attention, from where I can find something to inspire my daily mark making. I'm taking a leaf out of Helen Terry's blog see http://www.helenterryart.co.uk/blog/ to prepare for the Inspiration to Stitch course.
So far there are pencil marks and words and now I need to find other tools. It's not very me, it feels strange but I'm using a very small notebook so filling a page is not hard, or shouldn't be. Watch this space as I venture further with this novel daily practice.

A friend once told me that the way to see a city was to look up. Looking down in a small village is also rewarding! More possibilities for stitch patterns on the pavement under my feet.
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