Thursday, September 6, 2018

It it still Summer or has Autumn arrived ...

... its that time of the year. That back to school time, holidays over and when you need to ask at the start of each day, and sometimes at other times,  which season is it today.

So a few photos from around the garden on that very theme, well, not the back to school one because I'm not back to the Institches School until the end of the month. But the rest are on song, so to speak.

   All ready for the new wood,

Is this enough kindling?

And just in case it gets cold anytime soon ....

Meanwhile in the growing garden  - with credit to Paul for planting, sowing, watching for bugs and all that watering ,,,

Oh, but this one was my work ...

Meanwhile, inside I'm still stitching and I'm saying this very quietly  

I am also writing. Presently simply called Book 2 I've got a small routine going  and four days into it so far so good. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a very nice agent now wanted to represent me and sell my first one (it is finished) to a publisher?

In between the stitches and the words I keep looking at what can only be described as some odd bits of rusted and dyed fabric up on my design wall. Surely an idea of what to do with them will come to be soon. 

  and back to the garden, and the question of the season. The leaves are turning but it is still warm enough to sleep without the duvet. Is there a word for between one season and the other. Perhaps right now we are in sumertumn?  

Supper's ready, and yes, it includes one of those lovely lettuce and lots of tomatoes. 

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