Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Beautiful Cure, Harnessing Your Body’s Natural Defences by Daniel M. Davis - a review

This is a book that shows how the story of a complex and vital-to-health scientific paradigm and the pursuit of uncovering knowledge can be as exciting as any manufactured story. In this book it is our immune system under scrutiny, the ups and downs of how its elemental cells were discovered and the development by myriad international scientists of what is now known of the ways those cells cooperate for our good health. 

Davis writes well, reminds the reader when necessary and not too often of the basics. We learn lots about how science is done, how scientists do and don’t work together and the influence of grants and the value of discoveries to both people and pharmaceutical commerce. 

I was pleased to be slightly familiar with many of the terms and some of the basics about our immune system. That made the book an enjoyable and exciting read with valuable insights that increased my already huge fascination and admiration of the way our bodies are built and the way they work or sadly, sometimes don’t work at all well. 

Really pleased to have read this book. Highly recommended. 

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